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You've made the decision that you're going to terminate an employee (or maybe they termed themselves). Now you've got to get all the paperwork together to terminate your employee properly and per California state law. be the change HR, Inc.’s got a kit for that! It's called the California Employee Termination Kit.


The California Employee Termination Kit includes a termination checklist and all the forms you need for the different termination situations, plus according to employer size (yes, size requires different forms) and situations. We’ve got you covered in California with our California Employee Termination Kit.


In addition to the required forms, I added template termination letters for layoffs, job abandonment, term for cause and return of company property.


You may also need COBRA forms...those are included too (just make sure you know what you're doing with this one...COBRA is a doozy).


Download the California Employee Termination Kit today! Not in California? We also have a General Employee Termination Kit for you!

California Employee Termination Kit

  • WAIT!  You’re about to purchase a generic product.  I’ve done my best to cover the bases, but it’s still general, and may not be exactly perfect for you.  So, by continuing with your purchase, you acknowledge that general-ness and that you may need to make some modifications here and there to fit your specific needs.  Sound good?

  • © be the change HR, Inc. | 2019
    Licensed For Use By Original Purchaser Only

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